February 19, 2013

Tuesday Weigh-In


Did it again.  The scale moved up, up, up.  =(  I’m 100% positive that I gave up on myself last week after a very crabby night with Mr. Chaotic.  Healthy food?  Yeah right!  Exercise?  What’s that?  I was furious at him so rather than turn to the treadmill for a run, I just gave up altogether.  Stupid, huh!

Here are my stats:

12/18/12 Weigh-In (WI): 173
01/08/13 WI: 171.5 (-1.5)

01/15/13 GW: 170 WI: 173 (+1.5)
01/22/13 GW: 168.5 WI: 174.5 (+1.5)
01/29/13 GW: 167 WI: 172.5 (-2!!)
02/05/13 GW: 171 WI:  174.5 (+2)
02/12/13 GW: 169.5  WI: 172.5 (-2)
02/19/13 GW: 168  WI:  176 (3.5)
02/26/13 GW: 166.5

As you can see, my self-sabotage really affected my weight this week.  But, rather than beat myself up about it, I made the decision to just get over it and get on with my progress.  I did W5D3 of the C25K on Sunday.  I had to run for 20 minutes straight!  It says it was supposed to be 2 miles, but I’m pretty slow on my treadmill, so it was more like 1.5 miles.  But, the point is I ran for 20 minutes without stopping!!!!


Have you been where I am?  Any advice for how to deal with self-sabotage would be greatly appreciated.

February 12, 2013

Tuesday Weigh-In

I feel like I had a much better week, though I’m still a sucker for sugar.  My eating wasn’t out of control crazy, but I still need to relearn portions.  I hit my weekly cardio goal of four days last week, completing Week 4 of the C25K.  Dare I say I’m actually starting to enjoy running?  I’m sure I just jinxed myself and now I’m going to get an injury.  As for strength training last week I didn’t make goal as I only did it one day.

Here are my stats:

12/18/12 Weigh-In (WI): 173
01/08/13 WI: 171.5 (-1.5)

01/15/13 GW: 170 WI: 173 (+1.5)
01/22/13 GW: 168.5 WI: 174.5 (+1.5)
01/29/13 GW: 167 WI: 172.5 (-2!!)
02/05/13 GW: 171 WI:  174.5 (+2)
02/12/13 GW: 169.5  WI: 172.5 (-2)
02/19/13 GW: 168
02/26/13 GW: 166.5

The positive is that I lost this week!  As you can see though, I keep gaining and losing those same two dang pounds.  I’m hoping to change that.  I’ve increased my protein by adding protein powder to my smoothies.  I’ve been trying to have oatmeal for breakfast most days and eggs (1 egg, 2 whites) or salad (with chicken breast) for lunch.

I also came across an article on the benefits of an Omega 3-6-9 supplement.  The article said that the blend of fatty acids helps regulate blood sugar and hormones to reduce sugar cravings.  It also aids in weight loss, boosts the immune system, helps the digestive system, plus improves the appearance of your skin, hair, and nails.  The instant I saw that it reduces sugar cravings, I thought I have to give it a try.  I went to the health food store yesterday and found a supplement in soft gel form.

My goals for this week are to keep up with the C25K (week 5) and keep my portions in check and my sugar consumption low.  I’m also going to continue increasing my protein and taking my new Omega 3-6-9 supplement along with my other daily vitamins in hopes that it helps reduce my sugar cravings.

Are you making an effort towards your health?  Just start with 10 minutes a day and before you know it you’ll be up to 30.

**Disclaimer:  Obviously, I am not a professional so please consult with a physician before altering your diet, medications or starting an exercise program.

February 5, 2013

Tuesday Weigh-In

800px-Nitro_coaster (wikipedia.org)

What goes up and down, up and down, up and down?  Roller coaster, you say?  Wrong!  It’s my weight and it’s making me really, really frustrated! =(

I did a much better job at making exercise a priority this week – including strength training.  However, my eating suffered, severely.  Like they say, “you can’t out-exercise a bad diet.”   I thought I had the week under control and then we ended up getting pizza in Thursday night (I’ll spare you the excuses), which meant leftovers, which meant I had to eat it for lunch on Friday.  Plus, we had a birthday party on Saturday at a pizza place with pizza and cake plus lots of candy in the goodie bags.  I didn’t go WAY overboard, but I know I had more than I should have.

Here are my stats:

12/18/12 Weigh-In (WI): 173
01/08/13 WI: 171.5 (-1.5)

01/15/13 GW: 170 WI: 173 (+1.5)
01/22/13 GW: 168.5 WI: 174.5 (+1.5)
01/29/13 GW: 167 WI: 172.5 (-2!!)
02/05/13 GW: 171 WI:  174.5 (+2)
02/12/13 GW: 169.5
02/19/13 GW: 168
02/26/13 GW: 166.5

See.  So frustrating!  You’d think I’d just work through this already, but I’m having a really tough time.  This week my goals are to continue my workout regimen that I set up last week, including Sunday as a rest day.  So, 4 days of cardio and 2 days of strength. 

I’m also going to be incorporating more protein into my daily intake.  I stopped at the nutrition store today and ended up leaving with three different flavored tubs of protein powder!  I read somewhere that a lot of times the sugar craving is because you’re missing out on protein so I am hoping this will curb the sugar addiction!  Also, as long as I exercise, I’m pretty good about getting in my eight cups of water each day.  I’ve also started drinking green tea w/honey daily.  Some days I even have 2 cups! 

Progress, not perfection.  Any advice on how to get out of this rut I’ve put myself in?

#40by40 Check In #5

Honestly I have no idea how his happened after the week I had last week. I felt like I had a terrible, no good week.  My choices were not t...