Total Weight Gained: Up four pounds this time for a total of 9 since my 8 week appointment {which is good because my goal for this pregnancy is to maintain as long as possible since I’m overweight}. I’m blaming some of the gain on being a little bit constipated. TMI, I know, but it’s just a pregnancy fact.
Maternity Clothes: Of course!! With fall just around the corner, I am on the lookout for some new tops and some jeans.
Sleep: I’ve been sleeping great, once I actually get myself to bed. I’m so exhausted on a daily basis, but always get distracted by my electronics at night.
Symptoms: My nausea is at bay due to me taking vitamin B6 + 1/2 Unisom tablet. I’m finally able to drink water and eat fruits without wanting to vomit! Now, I’m just dealing with slight constipation.
Food Cravings: I have rediscovered Gardetto’s snack mix. So good. And it really makes me want to find the mustard pretzels!!
Aversions: None really as they’ve all kind of subsided for now.
Workouts: Eh, pretty much non-existent. We will take short family walks on occasion, but it’s not something I’d consider a workout. I would like to begin strength training.
Milestones: I am finally starting to feel this little bugger move.
Baby Items Purchased: None. I was really counting on finding out the gender today so I could order some cute stuff from Zulily.
Gender: Still unsure! It’s so frustrating because our whole family was super excited about finding out the gender at our ultrasound today. However, this little baby decided to keep it’s cute little legs crossed. Each time the technician would check the bottom, baby wouldn’t spread the legs open so she could take a guess. So now we wait f o u r m o r e w e e k s.
I had my ultrasound today and it was so incredible to be able to finally see this little stinker moving. My sister had me a little worried the other day when she said that I should be feeling baby by now. I just haven’t been feeling much but really wasn’t concerned because when I was pregnant with Talyn, I didn’t feel her move until 22 weeks or so. Seeing the baby moving, opening it’s little mouth, and the little heart beating on the screen though was a definite reassurance! It was like this little baby was doing gymnastics in my belly. I’ll leave you with our adorable ultrasound picture.
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