January 3, 2015

January Goals

brand new ending

I have a few simple goals for the month of January.

1) Drink at least 8-10 cups of water DAILY

2) Start tracking my food again with SparkPeople

3) Get my butt back on the exercise train, once my doctor gives me the approval.  My appointment is in the middle of the month, so just a couple more weeks!

Side note in regards to exercise – I tried my hardest to get back on the treadmill January 1st.  I lasted 15 minutes, walking very slowly.  Embarrassing, right?  Ugh.  I began having some pelvic pain and then I noticed before I went to bed and again this morning that my flow picked up.  I don’t want to overdo it so I’m just going to wait these next few weeks out.  Rather than focusing on exercise, I’m going to be focusing on what I’m eating and tracking each and every morsel!

Talk to me…

What are your goals for January and/or the New Year?


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